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Björn’s Honeyed Blood Orange Panna Cotta

Honeyed Blood Orange Panna Cotta

Makes 6 servings.


For panna cotta:
2 tablespoons water
2 teaspoons unflavored gelatin
1 cup whipping cream
1/2 teaspoon finely grated lemon peel
1/2 cup sugar
1 cup sour cream
1 cup whole milk
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
    For Macerated Blood Oranges:
    1-2 blood oranges depending on their size and how much fruit-to-panna cotta ratio you want
    2 tbsp. Bjorn’s Traditional Honey or less depending on taste and sweetness of oranges


      Pour 2 tablespoons cool water into small bowl; sprinkle gelatin over the water's surface evenly and slowly. Let stand until gelatin softens, about 10 minutes.

      Heat cream, lemon peel, and sugar in medium saucepan over medium-high heat, stirring constantly until sugar dissolves. Increase heat and bring just to a low boil, stirring occasionally. 

      Pour hot cream mixture over gelatin mixture. Stir until gelatin dissolves. Cool mixture to lukewarm, stirring often.

      Mix 1 cup cold milk with sour cream by slowly pouring milk into sour cream and whisking. It is easiest to go slow at the beginning so you don’t end up with lumps.

      Stir the sour cream milk mixture into the warm cream and gelatin. Add vanilla; divide mixture among prepared ramekins or small bowls.

      Refrigerate panna cotta until set, about 4 hours.

      While panna cotta sets, cut up blood oranges. Set aside one or two slices for juicing. Peel the membranes off the rest of the slices. Squeeze the slices you set aside into a small bowl and slowly stir Björn’s Traditional Honey into the juice. Once honey is dissolved pour juice over the orange slices and let sit until you serve the panna cotta.  

      Using a small sharp knife, cut around panna cotta in each ramekin. Place plate atop each ramekin and invert, allowing panna cotta to settle onto plate. If you have trouble getting the panna cotta out, try using the knife to separate the panna cotta gently from the side of the ramekin, this will allow it to fall out easier when you invert.

      Top panna cotta with macerated blood oranges and juice. Tastes like a grown-up orange creamsicle!

      NOTE: To make this recipe vegan I'd recommend replacing the gelatin with "Vegan Jel" or the like. Follow the instruction on the box for conversion but for Vegan Jel, it's 1 teaspoon gelatin = 1 1/2 teaspoons Vegan Jel.

      For the dairy in the recipe, I'd recommend coconut milk. Just use 3 cups coconut milk but only heat one cup with the sugar, leave the other two cups cold. You could also stir in some citrus juice like lemon or lime to ensure the coconut milk had the kick you get from the sour cream in my recipe.

      Try topping with tropical fruit like passion fruit, mango or pineapple which will go wonderfully with the coconut. Enjoy!! :)

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