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Meet the family behind Björn's Colorado Honey


Bjorn's Colorado Honey is a small-batch, local honey producer based in Boulder, Colorado. Pontus, our beekeeper, grew up in Sweden and learned the practice from his grandfather Björn, the company namesake. We offer American honey, CBD honey and CBD skincare, plus European made, bee-based skincare featuring beeswax, honey and propolis. 

Pontus, Lara ad little Ester in beekeeping suits with the beehives and hive smoker
Pontus, Lara, and Ester, the littlest beekeeper at Björn's Colorado Honey
We offer many types of honey, but our three mainstays are our Traditional, Whipped, and Propolis. All three types are made from Colorado, front range wildflower and clover honey. The Propolis Honey is our most popular product. By blending Colorado honey with high-quality propolis extract we boost honey’s health benefits. Propolis, an age-old remedy made by the bees from tree and plant resins, is known to bolster the immune system and contains antifungal and antibacterial properties. We also have a selection of seasonal products including Untouched Honey, Honeycomb in boxes, and an organic Lavender Infused Honey in the summer, plus holiday honey flavors like Cinnamon, Saffron, and Whiskey Barrel Aged.

Honeybees on uncapped honeycomb with honey in it
Honeybees on Uncapped Honeycomb in the Hive

Pontus also chose to import a line of high quality European bee-based skin and oral care products. The producer of our health and skin products is a professional beekeeper and pharmacist himself, who understands bees and their benefits, as well as traditional cosmetics production. Our lotions, creams, and salves leverage the wonders of honeybees, from beeswax to propolis and, of course, honey. The products are mild and suitable for all skin types and are never tested on animals.

We have also recently developed a line of hemp honey. By blending our raw whipped honey with organically grown full spectrum hemp extract from the Colorado eastern plains we have created a CBD Honey that’s delicious in taste and rich in cannabinoids but is non-psychoactive because it contains no THC. To order or for more information on our CBD Honey and products, reach out to our beekeeper, Pontus, at 303-981-7168.

Thank you for coming to our store and please let us know if we can be of service. Our contact info can be found on the "contact us" page.

Check out the video below to see some of our hive locations!


Trademark Notice for Bjorn's Colorado Honey

Bjorn's Colorado Honey and all associated logos, names, designs, and branding elements are trademarks of Bjorn’s Colorado Honey, LLC. These trademarks, whether registered or unregistered, are protected under U.S. and international trademark laws. Any unauthorized use, reproduction, modification, or distribution of Bjorn’s Colorado Honey trademarks without express written permission is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action. Reference to Bjorn’s Colorado Honey trademarks in a manner that may cause confusion, imply endorsement, or misrepresent affiliation is not permitted. All rights reserved. For licensing or authorized use inquiries, please contact us at bjornscohoney@gmail.com.

FDA Notice

Unless otherwise indicated, no statements on the Bjorn's Colorado Honey website have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. None of our products are intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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