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Björn's Bulk Gift Orders

Five Jars of Björn's Raw Whipped Honey with Wooden Background
Björn's Colorado Honey makes a great gift for friends and family, but it's also a lovely way to show your staff, colleagues, or customers how much you appreciate them. We personally handle bulk orders ensuring the process is smooth and easy and that you get the best price possible. All of our website products are eligible for bulks orders. For more info or to place an order, please contact Adam, our Wholesale and Bulk Specialist, directly at adam@bjornscoloradohoney.com or (920) 621-1996. Please note you multiple offers or discounts cannot be combined.

Bulk Gift Pricing:
8-12 products receive a 10% discount
13-29 products receive a 15% discount
30+ products receive a 25% discount

We can ship bulk orders to multiple locations, as many as needed for your family or client list. We can also include a gift card with the Björn's logo on the front and your personalized message on the inside to make each gift special.

Please note the order value for each package being sent must still match or exceed $70 after the discount is applied for the package to qualify for free shipping. Any packages that do not meet or exceed $70 in value will require an additional $12 fee to ship.

We hope you'll consider spreading sweetness with a gift of Colorado Honey this season. Thank you!

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