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Marzipan Milk

Right now, bakeries all over Sweden are starting to make “semlor” or Fat Tuesday Buns. The buns are filled with marzipan, topped with whipped cream, and then served in a bowl of hot milk. I wanted to create a honey-sweetened after-workout drink treat with these flavors, plus colostrum and collagen to make it more nourishing. It’s simple to make and can be done without the colostrum and collagen. It can even be served hot!

1-3 tbs. Björn's Vanilla Bean Honey (plus more to drizzle on top)
1-2 tbs. boiling water
1 tbs. colostrum powder (optional)
1 tbs. collagen powder (optional)
2-1 large pinches of sea salt
1 and 1/2 cups whole milk or milk alternative
1 tsp. of almond extract

Bring water to a boil and then combine 1 tbs. to 3 tbs. of Björn's Vanilla Bean Honey with water in a small glass. Use less honey for less sweet Marzipan Milk. Once honey syrup is well mixed, add colostrum and collagen powders plus salt to a clean glass. Add milk, then add honey syrup and almond extract. Mix thoroughly with a frother or whisk. Top with a drizzle of honey and serve immediately. Enjoy, and glad fettisdag!

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