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Perfect Old Fashioned Cocktail

Take your Old Fashioned to the next level by skipping the sugar and using our Stranahan’s Whiskey Barrel Honey.

1 tsp. Stranahan’s Whiskey Barrel Honey
A dash of Boozy Botanist’s Colorado Crafted Walnut Bitters
1 oz. Spring Water
1-2 oz. of Your Favorite Whiskey
Ice Cubes
Orange Peel Twist
Gourmet Amarena Wild Cherry

Directions: Add a teaspoon of Stranahan’s Whiskey Barrel Honey to your rocks glass, then whisk in a dash of Boozy Botanist’s Colorado Crafted Walnut Bitters. Next, add a dash of spring water and a couple of ounces of your favorite whiskey; we like Colorado-distilled Stranahan’s. Stir and then add ice. Garnish with an orange peel twist and a gourmet Amarena Wild Cherry.

Sip and enjoy!

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