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Whipped Peppermint Honey Shamrock Shake

Front-facing shot of Whipped Peppermint Honey Shamrock Shake and a jar of Whipped Peppermint Honey with the lid on and the green label visible. The shake is topped with a real three-leafed clover and has a metal straw. The background is a white and the shake and jar and on a wooden surface. There are also two real clovers on the wood near the shake and jar.

With March in full swing, Rayna Macias, our Golden store Manager, had a wonderful idea to try to create a classic Shamrock Shake using Björn's Whipped Peppermint Honey. Her recipe is below and can be modified to use milk alternatives.

2-4 spoonfuls Björn’s Whipped Peppermint Honey
1/4-1/2 tbsp. of boiling water 
2 scoops vanilla ice cream (non-dairy ice cream works great, too!)
1/4 to 1/2 cup whole milk (or milk alternative)
pinch of sea salt (optional)
1/8 to 1/4 tsp. Spinach, Matcha, or Spirulina to add an all-natural green coloring (optional)

Mix honey and boiling water in a class or measuring cut until honey is liquified and can be poured easily. Combine honey water mixture, ice cream, milk, salt and spinach, matcha or spirulina in a blender or use an immersion blender to combine. Add more milk to loosen the mixture, as needed.

Serve in a cold glass with a spoon and/or straw. Top with a fresh clover from your garden if you have one! Enjoy and Lá Fhéile Pádraig sona dhuit (Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you in Irish Gaelic)!

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