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Royal Jelly Face Cream

Royal Jelly Face Cream

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$ 38.00
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$ 38.00
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Björn's Royal Jelly Face Cream is a luxurious face cream that contains royal jelly. Royal jelly is a protein worker bees feed to all brood (offspring) in the hive, and feeding extra royal jelly to specially-selected brood will cause them to become queen bees. Royal jelly is full of amino acids, minerals, enzymes, and antibacterial/antibiotic components, and has been used for centuries as an anti-aging and skin rejuvenation treatment.

Björn's Royal Jelly Face Cream also contains willow bark and almond oil. Willow bark is anti-inflammatory, and can boost skin cell turnover and even skin tone. It is also an antimicrobial that can help treat acne in a natural and non-irritating way. The inclusion of almond oil, a traditional remedy for soothing dry or chapped skin, provides a light feel and pleasant scent. The combination of almond oil and royal jelly in this unique face cream moisturizes the face and creates a wonderfully smooth feeling on the skin’s surface.

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