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Björn's Spring Bundle 2025
Björn's Spring Bundle 2025
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Björn's Spring Bundle 2025

Regular price
$ 35.00
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$ 35.00
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Our Björn's Spring Bundle is here just as the first crocus flowers are beginning to sprout on the Colorado front range. To celebrate, we have a hand-curated Spring Bundle that includes the following items for 20% off:

Our Propolis Honey is specially blended to help boost the immune system and prepare the body for seasonal allergies, which start in the Spring. Propolis is also known for its remarkable ability to assist in the fight against viruses, bacteria, microbes, and fungi. It's a powerful antihistamine, making it the ideal honey to eat for anyone suffering from seasonal allergies. Local honey also contains local pollens that, when eaten in small amounts, can help prepare the body for allergy season. Propolis Honey is often eaten as an immune booster, a teaspoon a day. It can be used in culinary applications, but it should not be heated as this can degrade the benefits of propolis.

Björn's Lemon Honey is a blend of Whipped Colorado Clover Honey and pure lemon oil. The taste is exceptionally well balanced – the bitterness of the lemon oil perfectly tempers the sweetness of the honey, reminiscent of lemon drop candies and cool Mediterranean breezes.

Our locally-blended Bee Rescue Wildflower Seed Mix is a great way to get your garden growing this Spring. They are blended by Boulder County company BBB Seed. You will find these mixes are top-of-the-line and hand-selected to grow on the Colorado front range. They also do well in most growing zones as they naturalize beautifully. The Bee Rescue Wildflower Seed Mix contains wildflowers that will provide nectar and pollen for full-season support of native and introduced bee species. It is blended to include the absolute best flower species to support the health and vitality of a wide range of native pollinators as well as honeybees.

The seed mix includes Baby Blue-eyes, Siberian Wallflower, Mixed Corn Poppies, Chinese Forget-Me-Not, Purple Coneflower, Lance-leaf Coreopsis, Plains Coreopsis, Indian Blanket, Globe Gilia, Tidy tips, Sweet Alyssum, New England Aster, Aspen Daisy, Monarda, Lavender Hyssop, Blue Flax, Orange California Poppy, China Aster, Scarlet Cinquefoil

Like springtime itself, this Spring Bundle won't be around for long, so order yours today!  

Lemon Honey Net. Wt. 10.5 oz.
Propolis Honey Net. Wt. 10.5 oz.
1 oz. of seeds per bag

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